ITB Best Case: How Precision Retailing Gives Airlines an Edge for Post-Covid Recovery
There's been much hype placed on NDC and segmentation in travel retailing - yet airlines remain frustrated with the actual outcome. Much time and money have chased promises of improvement - only to find the reality does not yet match the high expectations. bd4travel has worked with large airlines to deliver major gains in personalised user experiences - and in the words of the SVP of a major airline loyalty scheme “we finally have the solution we dreamed of”. bd4travel took a diametrically opposite approach to the problem. Starting with consumers and understanding what they want allows airlines to change how they relate to them - and break some of the log jams in their own organisations. With cases including Emirates and Easyjet Holidays, bd4travel supports practical digital transformation - applying forward-looking ideas that work and deliver proven ROI. This session will challenge prevailing approaches and suggest an alternative way with reliable models and technology.
Speaker: Andy Owen Jones, bd4travel, Co-Founder & CEO
- live from ITB Berlin NOW 2021 -
#BestCase #eTravelDataTalks #Data #Aviation #Convention