ITB Medical Tourism Award with Keynote and Closing Remark - Trend Analysis in Medical Tourism
ITB Keynote
For the first time the ITB Medical Tourism Award will be given to a medical tourism supplier or destination, who is actviely involved to promote and support Medical Tourism. This years jury of partners from HTI, ESPA and ITB will annouce the 2021 awardee live on stage. Followed by a closing analysis of the upcoming developments in Medical Tourism globally.
Thomas Bömkes, Diversity Tourism GmbH, Managing Director
Rika Jean-Francois, ITB Berlin, CSR Commissioner
Leila Kresic-Juric, Health Tourism Industry – HTI Conference, Managing Director & Partner
Csilla Mezösi, European Spas Association, Secretary General
Interview Guest:
Dr. Prem Jagyasi, Dr Prem and Associates, MD & CEO
Romeo Draghicchio, CROATIAN NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD, CNTB-Director Germany
#Keynote #MedicalTourismTrack #Medical #WrapUp #Convention