Begegnungen im Urlaub: Nachhaltiges Reisen verbindet Menschen! Aber wie gelingt das? (in German)


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The Studiosus panel is dedicated to the social benefits of travel and looks at the topic of encounters on vacation from different perspectives. How approachable are travelers and locals for exchange? What role do tour guides play as intercultural mediators? What can encounters and personal exchanges achieve and how do they contribute to mutual understanding?
#Responsible Travel #Travel Behavior #Sustainability #Community #Customer Behavior#technology

Stephan Orth - Bestseller-Autor , Deutschlands bekanntester Couchsurfer
Dr. Gökhan Tuncer - Direktor, Büro Tirana , Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Peter-Mario Kubsch - Geschäftsführer, Studiosus
Prof. Dr. Surjo R. Soekadar - Einstein-Professor für Klinische Neurotechnologie , Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Katty Salié - Kultur-Journalistin

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